A new partnership has been announced to develop the first prognostic tests for pediatric Crohn’s disease

The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, the leading nonprofit organization dedicated to both research and patient support for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), has partnered with LifeArc, an independent medical research charity which promotes the translation of early science into health care therapies. or diagnostics, to develop the first clinical laboratory trial to predict disease course in infant patients with Crohn’s disease and response to treatment. A prognostic test that can accurately predict which children develop complications and identify patients who are more likely to benefit from anti-TNF therapy, would help clinicians make decisions effective early treatment to improve outcomes.

“Prognostic testing is urgently needed for early prognosis of fibrotic and fistulizing complications that may require surgery. It would have the potential to predict disease course development and treatment protocols to address potential complications. has been a major step towards the delivery of precision treatment for pediatric Crohn’s disease, and the Foundation is excited to lead the way, “said Andrés Hurtado-Lorenzo PhD, vice president of research. translation. “With an early understanding of the course of a disease and a response to treating physicians, physicians and parents could make decisions based on the patient’s biological and clinical characteristics to deliver the right drug at the right time to the right patient.”

The development of the clinical trial builds on the results of the Foundation’s Pediatric RISK Stratification Study, the most recently completed new study of patients with pediatric Crohn’s disease. Researchers have found biological signatures that were able to predict if a newly diagnosed baby with Crohn’s disease will develop disease-related complications. The pediatric RISK study confirmed the concept that study of intestinal gene expression patterns may trigger a disease course at the time of diagnosis.

The Foundation is leading the translational research needed to develop and improve prognostic testing and treatment response testing. LifeArc invests R&D knowledge and resources to advance towards product development.

“The LifeArc Center for the Development of Diagnostics is excited to work with the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation in developing this innovative assessment in experiencing future complications and responding to treatment for patients Pediatric Crohn, “said Dr. Ciaran Fulton, Associate Director and Head of Diagnostics at LifeArc. “Our team has helped develop diagnostic opportunities in advanced breast cancer, and conducts disease research in tuberculosis where our experience in the design, development and clinical evaluation of diagnostics bringing new trials to the clinic to benefit patient outcomes. “

The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation’s translational research team, in collaboration with Genedata, a leading bioinformatics company, used artificial intelligence methods to analyze RISK survey data to identify modern biological signatures for assay development and validation. in prospective studies, enabling development to begin. of the new experiments based on gene expression.

The Foundation and LifeArc are working towards developing the protocol with the aim of bringing product to market within the next four years.


About the Foundation of Crohn’s & Colitis

The Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation is the leading nonprofit organization dedicated to both research and patient support for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The Foundation’s mission is to treat Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, and improve the quality of life of millions of Americans living with IBD. Our work significantly accelerates the search process through our database and investment initiatives; we also provide extensive educational facilities for patients and their families, medical professionals, and the general public. For more information, visit http: // www.crohnscolitisfoundation.org, call 888-694-8872, or email [email protected].

About LifeArc

LifeArc is a self-funded medical research charity. Our mission is to advance the translation of early science into healthcare or diagnostic therapies that can be developed to full development and become available to patients. We have been doing this for over 25 years and our work has proven a result for antibiotic resistance and four approved medications. Our success allows us to explore new ways to encourage and fund translation. We have our own drug detection and diagnosis development facilities, supported by experts in technology transfer and intellectual property who also provide services to other organizations. Our model is built on collaboration, and we partner with a wide range of organizations including medical research charities, research organizations, business scientists and academics. We are motivated by patient need and scientific opportunity. Two funds help us to invest in outreach projects for the benefit of patients: our Philanthropy Fund provides grants to support medical research projects with a focus on translating research into rare diseases and our Seed Fund is aimed at start-up companies focused on the development of new pharmaceutical and biological methods. Find out more about our work at http: // www.lifearc.org or follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter.

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