A new neural network enables easy screening of sleep apnea in patients with cerebrovascular disease

A new neural network developed by researchers at the University of Eastern Finland and Kuopio University Hospital allows an easy and accurate assessment of the severity of sleep apnea in patients with cerebrovascular disease. The assessment is automated and based on simple night pulse oximetry, making it easy to screen for sleep apnea in stroke units.

Up to 90% of patients with stroke have sleep apnea, according to earlier studies conducted at Kuopio University Hospital. Left untreated, sleep apnea can reduce the quality of life and recovery of patients with stroke and increase the risk for recurrent cerebrovascular events.

“While screening for sleep apnea is recommended for patients with cerebrovascular disease, it is rarely performed in stroke units due to complex measuring instruments, time-consuming manual analysis, and high costs,” the person said. Akseli Leino from the University of Eastern Finland says.

In the new study, researchers developed a neural network to assess the severity of sleep apnea in patients with severe stroke and transient ischemic attack (TIA) using a simple nighttime oxygen saturation signal. The apnea-hypopnea index, which represents the number of episodes of apnea and hypopnea per hour, is commonly used in the diagnosis of sleep apnea. When the researchers compared the results of manual scoring with those obtained using the new neural network, the median difference was only 1.45 events per hour. The neural network was also 78% inaccurate in classifying patients into four different categories according to the severity of sleep apnea (no sleep apnea, mild, moderate, severe). The neural network was able to identify moderate and severe sleep apnea, which requires both treatment, in patients with severe stroke or TIA with 96% specificity and 92% sensitivity.

“The neural network developed in the study enables easy and cost-effective screening of sleep apnea in patients with cerebrovascular disease in hospital wards and stroke units. The nocturnal oxygen saturation signal can be recorded with simple pulse oximetry measurement. finger, time -less manual examination required, “physicist Katja Myllymaa from Kuopio University Hospital points out.


The study was conducted in collaboration between the Department of Clinical Neurophysiology and the Department of Neurology at Kuopio University Hospital, and the Department of Applied Physics at the University of Eastern Finland. The study was funded by Finnish Academy, Finnish Industry, Kuopio University Hospital, Finnish Cultural Foundation, Kuopio District Relief Foundation, Pulmonary Disease Research Foundation, Finnish Anti-Tuberculosis Society Foundation, Päivikki & Sakari Sohlberg Foundation, Paulo Foundation, and Tampere Tuberculosis Foundation.

For more information, contact:

Early Level Researcher Akseli Leino, MSc (Tech), [email protected]

Docent, Medical Physics Katja Myllymaa, PhD, [email protected]

Research article:

Leino A, Nikkonen S, Kainulainen S, Korkalainen H, Töyräs J, Myllymaa S, Leppänen T, Ylä-Herttuala S, Westeren-Punnonen S, Muraja-Murro A, Jäkälä P, Mervaala E, Myllymaa nad Krach Analysis . SpO2 signaling enables easy screening of sleep apnea in patients with acute cerebrovascular disease. Cadal Med 2020; 79. https: //doi.org /10.1016 /j.sleep.2020.12.032

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