A New Dimension of Quantum Space Time found nothing going on

In the smallest units of measurement of space and time in the Universe, there is not much going on. In a new study for quantum variations in space-time on Planck’s scales, physicists have found that everything is smooth.

This means – for now at least – we still can’t find a way to solve a common relationship with quantum mechanics.

This is one of the worst difficulties in our understanding of the Universe.

It is the general relevance of grazing theory that describes gravity interactions in the physical Universe on a large scale. It can be used to predict the Universe; general relativity predicted gravity waves, for example, and some black hole behavior.

Relative space time follows what we call the principle of an area – that is, objects have no direct effect on their surroundings in space and time.

In the quantum domain – atomic and subatomic scales – a common relationship breaks down, and quantum mechanics take over. Nothing in the quantum field happens at a given place or time until it is measured, and parts of a quantum system that are separated by space or time can still interact with each other, which is called nonlocality.

Somehow, despite their differences, there are common relationships and quantum mechanics and interactions. But so far, it has been difficult to resolve the differences between the two.

This is where Fermilab ‘s Holometer comes in – a project led by astronomer and physicist Craig Hogan of the University of Chicago. This is an instrument designed to find time-quantum quantum variables at the smallest possible units – Planck length, 10-33 centimeters, and Planck time, how long it takes for light to travel the length of Planck.

It consists of two 40-meter (131-foot) diameters that intersect at a beam splitter. A laser is fired at the splitter and lowered two arms to two mirrors, until it is exposed back to the splitter of the bearing to replay. Any variations on the Planck scale mean that the return behavior is different from the released behavior.

A few years ago, the Holometer discovered a null trace of quantum jitters back and forth in space-time. This suggested that time-space itself as we can currently measure is not measured; that is, it may be broken down into individual, inevitable, or quanta units.

Because the interferometer arms were straight, he could not detect other types of variable motion, as if the variables were rotational. And this could be very important.

“In a general relationship, a rotating material slows down space-time with it. In the presence of a rotating mass, the local nonrotating frame, as measured by a gyroscope, orbits relative to the Earth-. a distant globe, as measured by distant stars, “Hogan wrote on Fermilab ‘s website.

“Quantitative space-time uncertainty may be local in scale, leading to random or twisted fluctuating variables that we would not have detected in our first experiment, and too small to detect in any case. gyroscope. “

So the team redesigned the instrument. They added additional mirrors so that they could detect any rotating quantum motion. The result was a highly sensitive gyroscope that can detect a rotational rotation at the Planck scale that changes direction a million times per second.

In five observation runs between April 2017 and August 2019, the team collected 1,098 hours of dual interferometer time series data. In that time, there was not a single jiggle. As far as we know, space time remains a constant.

But that does not mean that the Holometer, as some scientists have said, is a waste of time. There is no other instrument like it in the world. The results it returns – null or not – will shape future attempts to study the intersection of relevance and quantum mechanics at Planck blades.

“We may never understand how quantum time-time works without measurement to guide theory,” Hogan said. “The Holometer program is investigative. Our experiment started with just rough theories to guide its design, and we still don’t have a unique way to explain our null results, as there is no strict theory about what we are looking for.

“Are the jitters just slightly smaller than we thought they might be, or do they have a balance that creates a pattern in space that we haven’t measured? New technology will allow future experiments to be better than us and it may give us clues as space and time emerge from a deeper quantum system. “

The research was published on arXiv.
