A large secret fireball lights up a sky in the northwest Qinghai region

The Chinese sky was ignited by a mysterious fireball on Wednesday that left the scientific community around the world in shambles. The incident is said to have taken place on December 23 in the northwestern Qinghai region. The footage of the incident is now going viral on social media platforms, with some calling the fireball a giant meteor. According to the Daily Mail, Chinese media suspect it to be a bolide, a highly visible meteor that explodes in the atmosphere.

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The massive fireball happened in Nangqian county on Wednesday morning, causing zero injuries. According to the report, local residents heard loud bangs after the object passed through the sky lighting up the entire town. In one of the videos shared online by journalist Mete Sohtaoğlu, the sky over Nangqian county can be seen lit up by the huge fireball before it goes behind a mountain.

Read: Geminid Dazzling Meteor Shower to lighten the sky this December; Here’s how to look

The film shared by Mete Sohtaoglu has received more than 3,500 views and hundreds of views since it was shared on December 23rd. Several netizens described the big fireball as an alien activity, with some saying that “2020 is not over yet”.

Read: ‘Incredible’: Meteor showers brightly before breaking up in a sky off the coast of Tasmania | PRAY

A fireball lights up a Japanese sky

Earlier, a brilliant ‘fireball’ was seen lighting up in the skies over large areas of western Japan causing a stir on social media. While some spectators described it as making a “frightening noise”, another said the “skies were clear”. According to a Kyodo News report, the director of the Akashi Municipal Planetarium in Hyogo Prefecture where the fireball was seen, said shooting stars brighter than Venus are often referred to as bolides but acknowledged that it was ‘rare’ for them to be as clear as was seen on 29 November.

Read: ‘Sky Went Totally Bright’: A large fireball seen over Japan, made an ‘acoustic noise’

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