A higher rate of red blood cell transfusion could be dangerous for premature babies – fitness

A randomized clinical trial led by George Mason University researchers has examined blood tolerance in premature infants and their long-term effects.

The study appears in The New England Journal of Medicine and is the largest study to date to compare thresholds for blood tolerance in premature infants.

Very low birth weight babies are at high risk for anemia and often need blood thinners to survive. Some doctors use a higher rate and some use a lower level of red blood cells to order a transplant. A study supported by the National Institutes of Health suggests that donating a higher threshold of red blood cells within clinically accepted boundaries (i.e., using a higher level of red blood cells when not which they prescribe referral) any benefit in surviving or reducing brain impairment over a lower level. threshold.

True preterm babies (born before 29 weeks gestation) and those weighing less than 1,000 grams (just over 2 pounds) are at high risk for anemia due to their early stage of development, less potential to produce red blood cells, and need blood sampling as part of their intensive medical care.

Previous studies suggest that anemic infants who received transfusions would have a lower risk of death or developmental complications at a higher hemoglobin threshold within the currently accepted range. Measuring hemoglobin, a protein secreted by red blood cells, indicates the proportion of red blood cells. Hemoglobin transfer thresholds for preterm infants vary according to weight, stage of maturity and other factors.

Out of 845 infants assigned to a higher hemoglobin threshold, 50.1% died or survived neurodevelopmental impairment, compared with 49.8% of 847 infants assigned to a lower threshold. When the bilateral outcomes were assessed separately, both groups had similar mortality rates (16.2% vs. 15%) and neurodevelopmental impairment (39.6% vs. 40.3%).

The authors evaluated the infants at two years of age and conclude that a higher hemoglobin threshold increased the number of relapses, but did not improve their chances of survival without neurodevelopmental impairment.

“It is likely that the findings will be used to guide future referral practices for these children; studies in premature babies are needed to guide care for these vulnerable small babies; NIH-funded studies in multisite networks are critical to the health of these vulnerable babies, ”explains Higgins.

(This story was published from a wire group group without text modification.)

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