French police have arrested two adults and two minors suspected of an antisemitic hate crime where they verbally assaulted a Jewish family near Paris in their car.
The incident happened Thursday in the north bank of Paris Aubervilliers, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin wrote on Twitter on Friday. No one was injured in the incident, Le Parisien said.
“Yesterday night, during Hanukkah, a family from Aubervilliers was attacked because they are Jewish.” In France, in 2020. The manufacturers were quickly caught by law enforcement. They must be punished for the seriousness of these facts, ”Darmanin said
Initial reports in the French media reported that the incident took place at 8:40 pm and that the makers made immoral scratches, including “f ** ck the investigations,” rocking the car back and forth and bottling it, the broadcaster RTL said. Prior to the attack, music with Hebrew songs was heard in the family car, Le Parisien reported.
The reports stated that neither the victims nor the perpetrators, who are accused of verbal assault, were present, RTL reported.
The French Jewish Students’ Union, or UEJF, has in recent years reached out to the young non-Jewish residents of Seine-Saint-Denis, the administrative region where Aubervilliers is – a poor and Muslim city with a large school Jewish – established.
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Last year, UEJF residents introduced Sukkot to the Jewish community of Aubervilliers.
Thursday’s event “reminds the insecurity of those who identify as such in France, despite outreach work,” UEJF President Neomie Madar told Le Parisien.