A 24-year-old woman’s suicide note goes live on Instagram after her death

Yocheved Gourarie made the appointment to go up the day after she took it with her own life

A 24-year-old woman posted a record on Instagram to go live the day after she took her own life. Yocheved Gourarie, of New York City, died Tuesday afternoon after jumping from the Ship in the Hudson Yards Brooklyn.

“If you’re reading this, I’m gone,” Gourarie wrote in the post, inviting readers to sit down before reading his “sensitive” and “horrible” content. “Either that, or (I am) somehow in the hospital so that I can’t delete this registered post. I hope I don’t though. ”

“None of you could have done anything – or more – to prevent this from happening,” said Gourarie. “Your support, your encouragement, your hood, your invitations, your laughter, your texts, your tagging to me in memes that you think would be funny to me … you did all your best and for that I am forever grateful . I hope you find some comfort in realizing that I am no longer in pain. ”

The 24-year-old, who had previously shared information about her profile about struggling with anorexia and depression, doesn’t go into detail on why she decided to end her life, but she states that she recorded a note to go to her parents after her death. “If they choose to share or publish you can be secretive for more insight. I leave that choice up to them. “

On Wednesday, her father submitted the comments – of which there are now more than 2,000 – to thank those who share messages of support. “I just want to thank everyone who wrote here. Your kind words mean a lot to my family. ”

He paid homage to a girl on his own Instagram, thanking her for supporting his “musical achievements and struggles. He said: “Our special musical connection will never be replaced. But I hope, as I’m sure you would want it to happen, to grow and explore, to make up and to organize more than I have ever done. ”

If you are struggling with mental health issues, you can contact the Samaritans suicide prevention experts in the UK here, and the national lifeline for suicide prevention in the US here.
