25 Marseille fans arrested: “Not the end of the story”

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25 Marseille fans were arrested following the violent incidents yesterday at the team’s training ground. As you may recall, more than 300 fans came to demonstrate against the policy of the team’s president, Jacques Henry Euro, demanding that he resign all against the background of the fact that the team is in a big crisis with three consecutive losses.

As a result of the riots, fans broke into the training complex, threw flares, set fire and did extensive property damage amounting to hundreds of thousands of euros. The RMC reported that one of Marseille’s players, Albero Gonzalez, was also attacked. “We condemn this unacceptable violence that endangers the lives of our people,” Marseille said in response and then the game that was supposed to take place against Ran was postponed.

Coach Andre Villas-Boas and several players were forced to flee the scene. “The players shouted in panic, we could hear them,” said one of the fans who were at the venue. The enthusiastic crowd wanted to talk to the actors and especially to Dimitri Fayette the big star who is in a big setback and has been criticized for his recent conduct. Unfortunately for the fans, Fayette did not approach them.

In France, of course, they were shocked by the violent events. “Marseille in chaos,” was the main headline of La Provence, “these are difficult sights and the story is far from over.” Bella Depeche Du Midi wrote: “Marseille is losing its head.” The headline in Lakip was: “Against Her Camp,” with pictures of the destruction of the gate at the Robert Louis Dreyfus training camp.

The legendary former president of Marseille Bernard Taffy Condemned the incidents: “Obviously as a Marseille fan I am not happy to see these things. Their rage and frustration is clear, but it is impossible to come to terms with their way. It is impossible.” The Lakip journalist, Melisandra Gomes, Wrote: “There are seasons of glory and euphoria and there are rotten seasons. Sometimes we are in the shadow of glory for many years, but no matter what, when you are a fan, you are a fan. You have to support and that’s all.”
