2 Haifa fans in a discussion about extending their detention

Hadar Akrish 24/01/2021 16:56

Illustration (Moshe Hermon)

Illustration (Moshe Hermon)

Two Maccabi Haifa fans who were arrested on suspicion of placing a stun grenade outside the home of the team’s parents, Omar Atzili, in Holon, arrived at the Tel Aviv Magistrate’s Court for the hearing to extend their detention, which is currently taking place. Police are seeking a 9-day remand extension.

The two detainees are Maccabi Haifa fans and those who are known among the green crowd. One of them has been involved in a disciplinary incident in the team’s game in the past, and one of them also demonstrated in front of the house of the club’s general manager, Assaf Ben Dov. The girlfriend of one of the two suspects was also questioned on the matter.

Adv. Roi Keren: This is a false arrest

The suspicions against the two are for extortion by threats, possession of explosives and conspiracy to commit a crime. More Roy Keren Representing one of the suspects, he said in response to ONE: “The police reached the wrong person, he has nothing to do with the affair and he welcomes the arrival of a nobleman to Maccabi Haifa. This is a false arrest, the police have no clue and I probably do not like someone who is not detained and nothing moves in the investigation, so arrested someone who is not connected, completely normative, a Maccabi Haifa fan who has no interest and no anti against a noble Omar. There is no motive here. Just a mistake in identifying and injustice caused to a normative person and I am sure that already today he will be released to his home. This affair does not interest him at all. We are not the gatekeepers or the morale of anyone. ‘

Regarding the accusations against his client, Adv. Keren added: “There was a first investigation at the moment, I have not seen him yet. We will hear things, he will cooperate, he will cope. An active fan who just has nothing to do with it. A good fan like all the Maccabi Haifa fans, there is a terrible mistake here and I am sure that very soon they will see that he is not connected and the police will continue to search in the right directions and not in that direction. “

AdvAdv. Roi Keren (Radad Jabara)

More Avichai Hajabi, Representing the second suspect, said before the hearing to extend his detention: “This morning, my client was arrested and has not been suspected of acts since the beginning, I just want to remind you that the fact that my client is a Maccabi Haifa fan is not enough to request his arrest. I will mention that Noble Omar has been involved in a particular affair over the last period, although it has been closed out of innocence, I believe the police should check further directions and further motives. I am sure that the court will accept our position and decide to release my client, or alternatively examine things and not as the Israeli police claim that they cracked the case. “

He added: “The suspect does not understand how he was linked to this incident and we are sure that the Israeli police will understand that he has no connection to the case, he is a Maccabi Haifa fan for several years but the fact that there are several fans who did not want Noble in the team is not enough to request his arrest.”

The course of the discussion

16:56 – The hearing began: After the two suspects entered, with one of them covered, a message was issued by the police: “” This is one suspect together with another, blackmailed and threatened the noble family, a grenade was placed in their house and graffiti was spray-painted. “

Adv. Keren: Who did you contact?

Police: With Omar and his family.

Adv. Keren: Does anyone recognize the suspect before us as someone who met with noble family members?

Police: Not relevant to the investigation.

Adv. Keren: Did his cell phone make a call or message to a noble family?

Police: It’s in the hands of the court.

Adv. Keren: Is there any evidence that the suspect was in the vicinity of Noble’s house on the day the grenade was laid?

Police: He is not cooperating in his investigation.
