What are the symptoms of COVID-19? The full list, according to the CDC


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For the latest news and information on coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO website.

As we enter Month 7 of the pandemic virus infection, we know that’s one of the best ways to go about it prevent the spread of the coronavirus avoid contact with others if you are feeling unwell. With that receiving a COVID-19 test in the US it is not easy yet, thanks to scarcity and long waiting times for test resultsKnowing the list of symptoms can help you identify quarantine. This article has been updated with the latest updates.

However, there is a catch. The list of symptoms for the coronavirus goes beyond other viral infections, including flu and rhinovirus, the virus that causes the common cold. That makes it hard to tell if you have one COVID-19 or the flu by test. But, whatever you have, you should stay tuned, wearing a mask, often wash your hands and keep your distance from others. The same goes for the common cold.

Read more: 9 flu burning myths you should stop believing and spreading

Covid19 signal

The following is a list of COVID-19 markers as defined by the CDC. You will find that many of these symptoms, including fever, body aches and sore throats, are common with the flu. More rarely, loss of taste or smell is one possible symptom of coronavirus infection.

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Tired
  • Muscle or body aches
  • A sore head
  • Loss of fresh taste or smell
  • sore throat
  • Density or runny nose
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Diarrhea

Just because you have any of the above symptoms, that certainly does not mean you have the coronavirus. The CDC also states that “this list is not all-inclusive.” So if you are feeling unwell, contact your healthcare provider.

If you or someone in your household suspects that you or someone in your household has COVID-19 but you are not ill enough to go into hospital, here it is everything you need to know about caring for the sick person. And if you think a test is needed in your situation, here are the things you need to know find a coronavirus test site near you.

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The information in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as health or medical advice. Always speak to a physician or other qualified health care provider about any questions you may have about a medical illness or health goals.
