At the Snapdragon Conference, Vivo officially confirmed that it would deliver mobile results with the Snapdragon 888 SoC next year. However, little was known about it to this day. The Chinese giant has finally confirmed that the iQOO 7 is the next flagship and has unveiled the first look of the device.
IQOO, in Weibo Post, shared the first official look of the upcoming flagship brand. It claims that the iQOO 7 is the official KPL game engine at the finals of autumn 2020. In case you don’t know, KPL aka King Pro League is one of the largest eSports events in China. It takes place during the Autumn / Spring and Spring seasons each year.
It is hosted by Tencent Games which brings several professional teams of Honor of Kings to compete for the crown of the title. Previously, iQOO had partnered with KPL during iQOO 3, which is also a KPL-certified play phone. Coming back, the iQOO 7’s rear view features three-lens cameras and looks like a BMW-specific edition.
Pick EDITOR: Vivo opens OriginOS beta registrations for X50, S7, NEX 3S, iQOO, and iQOO Neo3
What is interesting here is the shape of the camera. If you look closely, the cameras are arranged like triangular vertices. Also, they are a lot like the Vivo X50 and the upcoming X60 series of smartphones. There is an LED flashlight under the housing and iQOO branding next to it. In addition, BMW has straight stripes on the White rear panel on the right side. Although Vivo has not specifically mentioned it, the potential is quite high now.
If you remember, Vivo partnered with BMW Motorsport to launch a special edition of the iQOO 5 Pro. The new iQOO 7 rear panel has shapes similar to the BMW M logo with the slogan “Fascination meets Innovation”, white background, and Blue, Black, Red stripes. However, we’re not sure if it will get a Leather finish like the iQOO 5 Pro. You can compare the appearance of the two devices above.
Anyway, it’s just a teaser for the device and we’ll have to wait a bit until we know the launch date not to mention the price and what’s available. So far, the iQOO 7 is estimated to feature a flat AMOLED display, Snapdragon 888 SoC, 120W fast charge, triple camera with 50MP sensor, 16MP selfie-shooter, and iQOO UI inspired by OriginOS based on Android 11.
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