What will hopefully welcome, especially for those playing on Xbox One and PS4 units, the “multiple stability enhancements, including crash resolution.”Visual enhancements were added as well, and now NPCs are introduced Suspected Organized Crime Activity: Just Say No and Gig: Hot product T-pose should no longer exist and V should appear “more modest in the inventory preview after a half-year montage;).”
It will be strange to see to what extent it develops knowledge of these consoles, and whether it prevents players from requesting a refund. For those unaware of what fell from the deceptive messages behind the launch of Cyberpunk 2077, CD Projekt Red, Sony, and Microsoft are officially offering a refund for those who are unhappy with their experience in the game. In addition, Sony has removed Cyberpunk 2077 from the PS Store to fix these problems.
The full list of changes included in Hotfix 1.05 Cyberpunk 2077 is as follows;
- Jackie will never go out of sight again Am Pickup no the heist.
- Fixed an issue that prevented players from boarding the helicopter Love like fire.
- Fixed an issue with Takemura without visiting Play it safe.
- It will no longer be possible to provoke the same conversation twice Great in Japan.
- Fixed an issue with Delamain appearing upside down at the end of the Don’t lose your mind.
- Saul now reaches the van right in Riders on the storm.
- Traveling fast before you encounter Tyger Claws will not break into further progress I lifted the law.
- Fixed an issue that blocked progress in Ghost Town if an autosave performed when Raffen Shiv came loaded.
- Fixed issue not receiving new calls or messages if any Happy together he failed as a result of a fight.
- Elizabeth Peralez stops being too persistent with her calls after rejecting her job offer.
- The scene with Misty and Jackie now begins as it should after leaving Viktor’s clinic.
- Wakako’s talks will no longer be blocked once they are over Search and destroy.
- Walking away from Stefan inside sweet Dreams it shouldn’t stop other characters from calling you anymore.
- Brick breakers should now be properly interactive to disarm players. Or turn it off. Your profession.
- Elevator doors should now open properly the heist.
- Saul is now getting out of cars properly Riders on the storm.
- Fixed issue not receiving new calls or messages after running too far in Frank Whales.
- Jackie is now leaving the factory properly after the fight is over Am Pickup.
- Fixed a problem with Militech fortification not leaking if you drive through the gate too fast. Forward to death.
- Jumping time while in the indoor club Violence there are no issues with progress now.
- Fixed issues to begin with Gig: Getting Warmer …
- Fixed issue not receiving new calls or messages after Song Pyramid abandoned half way.
- Fixed an issue where Delamain’s heart may already be broken when a player enters the Core Don’t lose your mind.
- Fixed issues with Delamain not appearing or doing anything outside of the Afterlife included the heist.
- Fixed an issue with the aim of capturing “Talk to Viktor” in the Ripperdoc.
- We fixed an issue where it was impossible to talk to the bouncer in front of Lizzie The Information.
- Additional description for Don’t lose your mind in the Journal.
- Fixed an issue preventing a player from saving, using fast travel, and talking to other NPCs after downloading a save with an active call with Frank in. Whales.
- We fixed an issue with Panam without calling for any further issue to I fly away completed.
- Fixed issue with Dum Dum after V after Am Pickup ready.
- Develop response times of NPCs taking cover.
- Correct the number of shots needed to kill civilians from a distance while fighting.
- Fixed an issue with the Delamain image displayed on top of the normal phone during phone calls.
- The mouth of V will not remain open after entering the place lock Where is my mind?.
- Fixed some UI related issues.
- V appears more modest in the inventory forecast after a half-year montage;)
- NPCs are quicker to appear in the question area during Love Stadium.
- I added some warmth to HDR.
- T-posing based NPCs included Suspected Organized Crime Activity: Just Say No and Gig: Hot product.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to engage in a headless 3rd person view.
- Silent images are no longer displayed without an image in the inventory.
- Fixed an issue with an armored crosshair following the screen.
- The inventory will no longer close immediately after opening for the first time after leaving a car.
- Fixed an issue where the button shown on the top right hand corner would not work to open the magazine.
Performance & Sustainability
- Multiple sustainability improvements, including disaster resolution.
- Off-screen explosions now make noise.
- [AMD SMT] Optimal core / thread usage for 4-core and 6-core AMD Ryzen ™ processors. 8-core, 12-core and 16-core processors remain unchanged and are behaving as expected. This change was implemented in collaboration with AMD and based on tests on both sides showed that performance improvement only occurs on CPUs with 6 cores and less.
- Fixed an issue with the way Raw Input is collected.
- Remove the use of AVX instruction set and thus repair crashes that occur at the end of the Prologue on processors that do not support AVX.
- Debugging console removed to prevent actions that could lead to crashes or closed quests. This doesn’t mean we don’t want to support the modding community. Stay tuned for more information on that.
- Ray’s detection reflections shouldn’t look too bright compared to the environment.
- Fixed issue with Steam Overlay crash on game shutdown.
- Remove the memory_pool_budgets.csv file. which was not related to the final version of the game and had no effect on it (it was a file that was used at the time of development to estimate memory usage. It had no effect on the level of allocated memory). A performance increase seen after file editing may have been related to restarting the game.
- Improved image shortening with Chromatic Aberration and Grain Film on it.
- Your setting should no longer reset to normal after several resume game sessions.
- Fixed visual issues occurring during the transition between the heist and Love like fire.
- Correction of appearance of several vehicles.
- [Xbox] Entering a fight while Synaptic Accelerator is active no longer ends in a player health bar without being displayed.
- [Xbox] The game will no longer become unresponsive when logging out of profile when the administrator’s disconnection message is displayed.
- A telemetry permission request will reappear due to an earlier issue with resetting settings.
- Fixed an issue where it was possible to drop the crane in Megabuilding H8 Automated love.
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Adam Bankhurst is a news correspondent for IGN. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.