Cultural man Yaakov Agmon is laid to rest in Kibbutz Shefayim

Yaakov Agmon, the theater and radio man who passed away yesterday, is now (Thursday) laid to rest at Kibbutz Shefayim. Agmon served as a producer and theater director, and at the same time presented various programs on radio and television. He is particularly identified with the “Personal Questions” program on Gali Tzahal, which he submitted in succession from 1968 until his death.

More than 100 family members, friends and loved ones came to the cemetery in Shefayim to accompany Yaakov Agmon on his final journey. Among the escorts were his wife Gila Almagor, Yehoram Gaon, Rivka Michaeli, Riki Gal, Noam Semel, Tzadi Tzarfati, Yael Dan, Reno Tzurur, Rani and Hila Rahav, as well as Yael Bar Zohar and Guy Zoarz.

The funeral of Yaakov Agmon in Kibbutz Shefayim (Photo: Avshalom Shashoni)The funeral of Yaakov Agmon in Kibbutz Shefayim (Photo: Avshalom Shashoni)

Theater man Hillel Mittelpunkt leads the funeral ceremony: “Farewell to one of the cultural grants that this country knew. On behalf of the people of culture and art we cherish and thank you for all you have done for the culture and the state.” Guy Zoarz praised him: “Our story with Yankele began many years ago as a young man who came after the army. Yaeli and I owe you Yankele a huge thank you.”

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His wife, actress Gila Almagor, spoke this morning with Sivan Cohen on her program on 103FM and told about the loss.

Unfortunately for Yankele Agmon, the man who for many years, for those who do not know, held the Israeli theater, was in great pain. The last few months have been very difficult for him.
“True, once he understood what was being done to the culture, the contempt, to throw the culture away as if it were a surplus. News, to the field to be interviewed, made plays that were relevant. “

It is said that an actor and probably an actress like you is total and for so many years and successful, he draws his oxygen from the stage. What is it for you to sit at home for so long.
“Everything is small for me, I lost Yaakov Agmon this more than the stage, I lost part of my life. It’s hard not to work for almost a year, probably very hard but this day? I’m willing to be told I will not work and get it back.”

What did he get rid of?
“Severe pneumonia.”

It has nothing to do with Corona.
“No, it has nothing to do with Corona.”

The funeral is taking place?
“At 12:00 in Kibbutz Shefayim, we are on our way there.”

Do you have a message that is important for you to convey?
“I want to say that there was a man, Yaakov Agmon, is no more but he leaves here a legacy of cult of culture, caring for culture, for all its sectors – dance, music, theater, cinema, radio, his hand was in everything. I think if I can say “I want to continue his legacy and I know we will continue his legacy.”
